For 5,000 years Acupuncture has been a safe and effective treatment to help your body heal naturally. Acupuncture can be useful in managing both chronic and acute injuries and conditions. It has been shown to increase blood flow to injured areas, helping to reduce inflammation, swelling, and promote the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to injured tissue.
The hair like needles are placed in points specific to your treatment, to help stimulate the natural release of endorphins to promote your body's ability to perform natural pain relief. The ability to reduce pain and other symptoms through this natural stimulation is one of our patients' primary reasons for seeking acupuncture for pain management and relief of other on going conditions.
Many of our patients find that acupuncture is an exceptional tool for stabilizing their moods and decreasing their anxiety and depression that is often associated with long term pain and chronic illnesses. It is common for individuals to experience some form of cognitive stress from pain and illnesses and we want you to know we are here to help.
Acupuncture can do so much more than alleviate pain and discomfort, it can promote mental clarity, emotional endurance, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. Modern research has proven its effectiveness in treating many health conditions in a way that is low stress and very often relaxing. ​​​
How can Acupuncture help you?
Help reduce pain
Provide Sciatic pain relief
Improve mental well-being and reduce stress
Increase energy
Reduce migraine symptoms
Treat chronic fatigue
Assist with sleep disruption from insomnia
Reducing migraine symptoms
Improve digestive issues such as constipation and IBS
Increase mobility by reducing joint pain and inflammation
Reduce Hypertension
Decrease neuropathy symptoms
Improve fertility and increase success of IVF
Treat Fibromyalgia symptoms
Reduce nerve pain
​It has been shown in many studies to improve outcomes when paired with modern western medicine.